是一个对中文分词支持不错的站内搜索引擎 下载地址见附件 license可以到这里写 : http://www.5v6.com/ff.php 产品介绍: http://www.interspire.com/fastfind/overview.php ff.php PHP: <?php define("PRODUCT_ID", "FF"); class FF_LICENSE { var $_users = 0; var $_domain = ""; var $_expires = ""; function GenerateKey($Users, $Domain, $Expires) { $arrKey = array(); $arrTmp = array(); $Domain = md5($Domain); $counter = 1; $finalKey = ""; $key = urlencode(base64_encode("$Users|$Domain|$Expires")); for($i = 0; $i < strlen($key); $i++) { $arrTmp[] = substr($key, $i, 1); } for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arrTmp); $i++) { $arrKey[] = $arrTmp[$i]; if($counter % 4 == 0) $arrKey[] = "-"; $counter++; } for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arrKey); $i++) $finalKey .= $arrKey[$i]; $finalKey = sprintf("%s-%s", PRODUCT_ID, $finalKey); $finalKey = eregi_replace("-$", "", $finalKey); return $finalKey; } function DecryptKey($Key) { $Key = eregi_replace("-", "", $Key); $Key = eregi_replace(sprintf("^%s", PRODUCT_ID), "", $Key); $Key = urldecode($Key); $Key = base64_decode($Key); $arrData = explode("|", $Key); $this->_users = $arrData[0]; $this->_domain = $arrData[1]; $this->_expires = $arrData[2]; } function GetUsers() { return $this->_users; } function GetDomain() { return $this->_domain; } function GetExpires() { return $this->_expires; } } $objLicense = new FF_LICENSE; // Example of generating a key //$key = $objLicense->GenerateKey(10, "www.interspire.com", "08-01-2004"); // Example of decrypting a key //$objLicense->DecryptKey("FF-MTB8-MzJk-Njk3-MmM4-Y2Ex-MDE5-ZmQz-ZmE5-ZWY1-Zjkx-ZDc3-Y2N8-MDgt-MDEt-MjAw-NA%3-D%3D"); //echo $objLicense->GetUsers(); //echo $objLicense->GetDomain(); //echo $objLicense->GetExpires(); if(@$_POST["do"] == "calc") { $numUsers = @$_POST["numusers"]; $expDate = @$_POST["expdate"]; $ip = @$_POST["ip"]; $key = $objLicense->GenerateKey($numUsers, $ip, $expDate); echo $key; } else { ?> <form action="ff.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="do" value="calc"> 用户数: <input type="textbox" name="numusers" size="5">(你想多少就多少)<br> 过期日期: <input type="text" name="expdate" size="20"> (MM-DD-YYYY这样的格式08-01-2004)<br> 主机: <input type="text" name="ip" size="20"> (www.test.com - 不包含http)<br><br> <input type="submit" value="生成license"> </form> <?php } ?> Interspire is pleased to introduce FastFind - The most versatile search engine available, complete with accurate search query reporting and charting! FastFind is a complete search engine solution for both static and dynamically driven web sites. It allows anyone to quickly and easily integrate a complete search engine into their web site. How can you benefit from using FastFind as your search solution?... Help your visitors find the information they need quickly Increased visitor satisfaction and more transactions on eCommerce sites See what your visitors are searching for in real-time Get a complete 360° view of your sites information architecture View empty search results and take action right away The only search solution you need Add search to any site in 5 minutes. Simply upload the FastFind files to your web server, run the installer and then the site crawler. Finally, generate the HTML to add a search box to your site. 100% web-native solution. Everything is handled directly from the web browser. This means no end user downloads, and also makes future updates easy and completely transparent. Indexes both local and remote websites. FastFind can crawl and index any web site on the Internet, meaning that you don't have to install FastFind on the same web site that it will be indexing. Scalable and adaptive. The FastFind crawling and indexing algorithms have been tested on both static and dynamic web sites containing in excess of 10,000 pages, so as your site grows, you can be assured that FastFind will keep up. Advanced filtering options. Choose which file extensions to index, which URL patterns to ignore and also control the depth of the FastFind crawler to make sure only the pages you want to search are indexed. Search statistics. View search statistics in 4 different ways: popular search terms, terms with no results, most visited search links and recent search terms. For Webmasters Empower your web site visitors with the ability to search your entire web site in just seconds. Adding a search engine to your site means no more trawling through endless links to find the information they're after, and because you can schedule FastFind to update your site index automatically, your search results will never be out of date! For Web Developers You get a versatile, user-friendly search solution to rebrand as your own and sell to your customers as a valuable solution. If you setup automatic indexing, your users will never even need to login to the FastFind control panel, so training time is reduced to zero!