来自:http://blog.guoshuang.com/david/showlog.as...=31&log_id=3231 如果还不了解css属性选择器,先搜索以前的文章来看,这几个属性选择器写得挺有意思。 提示abbr abbr[title] { color: #666; border-bottom: 1px dotted #666; } abbr[title]:hover { border-bottom-style: solid; cursor: help; } 隐藏468x60的图片 img[width="468"][height="60"], img[width="468px"][height="60px"] { display: none !important; } 所有468x60的元素都隐藏 *[width="468"][height="60"], *[width="468px"][height="60px"] { display: none !important; } 控制input样式 input[type='text'] { } or input[type='submit'] Instead with the little help of JavaScript I have it just append the type it is as a className to itself…this way we could, at the least, do this: 为了ie,改成class,然后拿javascript遍历 input.text { } input.submit { } 链接内容说明 a[href^=mailto]:after { content: ”(Email)”; } a[href$=.pdf]:after { content: ”(PDF)”; } via The Attribute Selector for Fun and (no ad) Profit