昨天拿到个demo用的空间 上传了代码 这个论坛 现在约有5W行php代码了涨的快 由于 windows变量大小写在linnix 下 造成的 bug实在太多了 晚开放20分钟 大家 在的就 随机 看看 地址一会放出 我接着改bug 见谅哈
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PHP: <? class Timer { private $startTime; private $stopTime; function __construct(){ $this->startTime=0; $this->stopTime=0; } function start(){ $this->startTime = microtime(true); } function stop(){ $this->stopTime= microtime(true); } function spent(){ return round(($this->stopTime- $this->startTime) , 4); } } $timer = new Timer(); /** * * Database abstraction exception object. * * @package Abstraction * */ class pdboException extends Exception { private $query; public function __construct($message, $query=NULL) { $this->query=$query; parent::__construct($message); } /** * Retreive the query that was being executed when exception was thrown. If no query was * specified or not applicable (ie on database connect) a NULL will be returned. * * @return string */ public function getQuery() { return $this->query; } } Class MySQLDB { var $host; var $user; var $passwd; var $database; var $conn; var $sqlStr; var $debug=false; static final function connect($uri) { if(!preg_match('~(?P<dbtype>\w+)\://(?P<username>\w+):(?P<password>[^@]+)@(?P<hostname>[^/]+)/(?P<dbname>\w+)(\?(?P<extraoptions>.+))?~', $uri, $tmp)) die('Invalid connection string'); return new MySQLDB($tmp); } function __construct($connectargs) { $this->host = $connectargs['hostname']; $this->user = $connectargs['username']; $this->passwd = $connectargs['password']; $this->database = $connectargs['dbname']; $this->conn=mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user,$this->passwd) or die("Could not connect to $this->host"); mysql_select_db($this->database,$this->conn) or die("Could not switch to database $this->database"); } function Close() { if($this->conn==null)return; MySQL_close($this->conn); $this->conn=null; } function Execute($queryStr) { $this->sqlStr=$queryStr; if($this->debug)print("<p>Execute:".$queryStr); Mysql_query($queryStr, $this->conn) ; } function Query($queryStr) { $this->sqlStr=$queryStr; $res =Mysql_query($queryStr, $this->conn); if($this->debug)print("<p>Query:".$queryStr); // if(!$res) throw new pdboException('Failed to Query: '.$this->sqlStr. mysql_error()); return $res; } function getRows($res) { $rowno = 0; $rowno = MySQL_num_rows($res); // if(!$rowno) throw new pdboException('Failed to getRows: '.$this->sqlStr. mysql_error()); if($rowno>0) { for($row=0;$row<$rowno;$row++ ) { $rows[$row]=MySQL_fetch_array($res); // echo "<p> rows".$row; // foreach($rows[$row] as $color) //echo $color; } return $rows; } } function getRowsNum($res) { $rowno = 0; $rowno = mysql_num_rows($res); return $rowno; } function getFieldsNum($res) { $fieldno = 0; $fieldno = mysql_num_fields($res); return $fieldno; } function getFields($res) { $fno = $this->getFieldsNum($res); if($fno>0) { for($i=0;$i<$fno;$i++ ) { $fs[$i]=MySQL_field_name($res,$i); } return $fs; } } } class RecordApplication implements ArrayAccess { static private $pool = array() ; static private $_self ; static $save_path ; private function __construct() { self::$save_path = dirname(__FILE__).'/app~ds-fdsw.php' ; self::read() ; } final static function getInstance() { if (self::$_self == NULL) { self::$_self = new RecordApplication(); } return self::$_self; } static private function read() { if(file_exists(self::$save_path)) { self::$pool = @include self::$save_path ; } } static private function write() { $data = '<?php return ' .var_export(self::$pool,true).';?>' ; file_put_contents(self::$save_path,$data) ; } function offsetExists($key) { return isset(self::$poll[$key]) ; } function offsetGet($key) { return isset(self::$pool[$key]) ? self::$pool[$key] : null ; } function offsetSet($key,$value) { self::$pool[$key] = $value ; self::write() ; } function offsetUnset($key) { if(!isset(self::$pool[$key])) return true ; unset(self::$pool[$key]) ; self::write() ; } function __toString() { return self::$pool ; } function dump() { return self::$pool ; } function __set($name,$value) { self::$pool[$name] = $value ; } function __get($name) { return self::$pool[$name]; } function getFields($str) { return self::$pool[$str]; } function setFields($str,$value) { self::$pool[$str]=$value; // self::write(); return self::$pool[$str]; } } class Recordset { public $ado; public $EOF=true; public $CursorType; public $LockType; public $list=array(); public $listStr; public $results; public $sqlName; public $sqlLast; public $sqlStr; public $res; public $index=0; public $isAddNew=false; public function __set($var,$val){ $this->$var = $val; } public function __get($var){ if (isset($this->$var)){ return $this->$var; } else{ return null; } } function Open($str,$adoCon) { $this->list=array(); $this->listStr=null; $str=$str; $this->sqlStr= $str ; $this->ado=$adoCon; $this->isAddNew=false; $this->index=0; $this->EOF=true; $this->res=$this->ado->Query($str); $this->results=$this->ado->getRows($this->res) ; if(count($this->results)>$this->index) { $this->EOF=false; } // //echo '<pre>'; $patlink="/WHERE(.*)/s"; preg_match_all($patlink,stripslashes($str),$mLink2); $this->sqlLast=$mLink2[1][0]; //print_r("<p>Open".$mLink2[1][0]); $patlink="/FROM\s*(\S*)\s?/is"; preg_match_all($patlink,stripslashes($str),$mLink); //print_r("<p>Open".$mLink[1][0]); $this->sqlName=$mLink[1][0]; //print "<p>".$str; // //print_r($mLink2[1][0]); // $patlink="/SELECT(.*)FROM/s"; // preg_match_all($patlink,stripslashes($str),$mLink); // // //print_r($mLink[1][0]); // // // //print "<br>"; // $patstr=$mLink[1][0]; // $str= explode(",",$patstr); // //print_r($str); // // $fields = array(); // $fieldsIndex = array(); // $icount=0; // foreach($str as $f => $r) { // $ra = explode(' ', trim($r)); // $r = array_pop($ra); // //echo $r; // // if (false !== strrpos ($r, '.')) { // $r = substr($r, strrpos ($r, '.')+1); // } // $fieldsIndex[$r]=$icount; // $icount++; // $fields[] = $r; // } // $count=0; // foreach($fields as $color) // { // //print_r($color.$count); // $this->sqlList[$color]=$count; // $count++; // } // //print_r($fields); //echo '</pre>'; } function getRows() { return $this->results; } function getFields($str) { // echo "<p>"; // //echo $str; // echo $this->sqlList[$str]; // echo "====="; // // echo "<p>results"; // echo $this->results[$this->index][$this->sqlList[$str]]; // echo "<p>"; // return $this->results[$this->index][$str]; } function setFields($key,$value) { if(is_bool($value)) { if($value) { $value=1; } else { $value=0; } } //return $this->list[$key]=trim($value); } function Close() { $this->sqlList=null; } function Delete() { } function AddNew() { $this->isAddNew=true; } function MoveFirst() { $this->index=0; $this->EOF=true; if(count($this->results)>$this->index) { $this->EOF=false; } } function MoveLast() { $this->index=count($this->results)-1; $this->EOF=true; if(count($this->results)>$this->index) { $this->EOF=false; } } function MoveNext() { $this->index=$this->index+1; $this->EOF=true; if(count($this->results)>$this->index) { $this->EOF=false; } } function Requery() { $this->isAddNew=false; $this->index=0; $this->EOF=true; $this->res=$this->ado->Query($this->sqlStr); $this->results=$this->ado->getRows($this->res) ; if(count($this->results)>$this->index) { $this->EOF=false; } } function Update() { $sql; $sqlkey; $sqlvalue; if($this->isAddNew) { //INSERT INTO userinfo(username,passwords) VALUES( '$addname','$addpass ') foreach ($this->list as $key => $value) { $sqlkey =$sqlkey.$key.","; if(is_numeric($value)) { $sqlvalue=$sqlvalue.$value.","; }else { $sqlvalue=$sqlvalue."'".(string)$value."',"; } } $sqlkey=substr($sqlkey,0,strlen($sqlkey)-1); $sqlvalue=substr($sqlvalue,0,strlen($sqlvalue)-1); $sql="INSERT INTO ".$this->sqlName."(".$sqlkey.") VALUES(".$sqlvalue.")"; }else { foreach ($this->list as $key => $value) { $sqlkey =$sqlkey.$key."='".$value."' "; } //update tbl_user set AccountPassword='$pass2',useremail='$_POST $sql="update ".$this->sqlName." set ".$sqlkey." where ".$this->sqlLast; } $this->ado->Execute($sql); //print "<p>".$sql; } } class DateAccount{ function __construct(){ } function IsDate($interval) { if($interval=="")return false; return strtotime($interval)!=time(); } function CDate($interval) { if(is_string($interval)) { $interval=strtotime($interval); } return $interval ; } function Day($interval) { return $interval ; } function DateAdd( $interval , $number , $date ) { $date_time_array = getdate ( $date ); $hours = $date_time_array [ "hours" ]; $minutes = $date_time_array [ "minutes" ]; $seconds = $date_time_array [ "seconds" ]; $month = $date_time_array [ "mon" ]; $day = $date_time_array [ "mday" ]; $year = $date_time_array [ "year" ]; switch ( $interval ) { case "yyyy" : $year += $number ; break ; case "q" : $month +=( $number *3); break ; case "m" : $month += $number ; break ; case "y" : case "d" : case "w" : $day += $number ; break ; case "ww" : $day +=( $number *7); break ; case "h" : $hours += $number ; break ; case "n" : $minutes += $number ; break ; case "s" : $seconds += $number ; break ; } $timestamp = mktime ( $hours , $minutes , $seconds , $month , $day , $year ); return $timestamp ; } function DateDiff ( $interval , $date1 , $date2 ) { $timedifference = $date2 - $date1 ; switch ( $interval ) { case "w" : $retval = bcdiv ( $timedifference ,604800); break ; case "d" : $retval = bcdiv ( $timedifference ,86400); break ; case "h" : $retval = bcdiv ( $timedifference ,3600); break ; case "n" : $retval = bcdiv ( $timedifference ,60); break ; case "s" : $retval = $timedifference ; break ; } return $retval ; } } ?>
PHP: <? function getSalt($intLen) { extract($GLOBALS); $function_ret="00000000"; if (!is_numeric($intLen)) { $function_ret="00000000"; return $function_ret; } if (intval($intLen)!=doubleval($intLen) || intval($intLen)<1) { $function_ret="00000000"; return $function_ret; } mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $strSalt; for ($intIndex=1; $intIndex<=intval($intLen); $intIndex=$intIndex+1) { $intRand=intval( mt_rand(0,10000000 )%16); $strSalt=$strSalt.getDecHex($intRand); } $function_ret=$strSalt; return $function_ret; } function hashEncode($secret) { $pk = array(0x5A827999, 0x6ED9EBA1, 0x8F1BBCDC, 0xCA62C1D6); $opsk= array(0xFB0C14C2, 0x9F00AB2E, 0x991FFA67, 0x76FA2C3F, 0xADE426FA); $psk = $opsk; for($i=0;$i<16;$i++) { $binary[sprintf("%04s",decbin($i))] = dechex($i); } for($i=0;$i<strlen($secret);$i+=56) { $hash = substr($secret, $i, 56); $bin = ""; for($i=0;$i<strlen($hash);$i++) { $bin.=sprintf("%08s",decbin(ord(substr($hash,$i,1)))); } $bin = sprintf("%0-448s%064s",$bin."1", decbin(strlen($bin))); $hash = ""; while(strlen($bin)) { $hash.=$binary[substr($bin,0,4)]; $bin = substr($bin,4); } for($j=0;$j<(strlen($hash)/8);$j++) { $strWords[$j] = hexdec(substr($hash, $j*8, 8)); } for($j=16;$j<80;$j++) { $strWords[$j] = binaryShift(bindec(sprintf("%032s",decbin($strWords[$j-3]^$strWords[$j-8]^$strWords[$j-14]^$strWords[$j-16]))),1); } for($j=0;$j<80;$j++) { if($j<20) { $strTemp = ($psk[1] & $psk[2]) | (binaryNot($psk[1]) & $psk[3]); } else if($j<40) { $strTemp = $psk[1] ^ $psk[2] ^ $psk[3]; } else if($j<60) { $strTemp = ($psk[1] & $psk[2]) | ($psk[1] & $psk[3]) | ($psk[2] & $psk[3]); } else { $strTemp = $psk[1] ^ $psk[2] ^ $psk[3]; } $strTemp += BinaryShift($psk[0],5) + $psk[3] + $strWords[$j] + $pk[floor($j/20)]; $psk = array($strTemp, $psk[0], binaryShift($psk[1],30), $psk[2], $psk[3]); } for($i=0;$i<5;$i++) { $psk[$i]+= $opsk[$i]; } } $hash = strtoupper(join("",array_map("dechex",$psk))); return $hash; } function binaryNot($str) { $str = sprintf("%032s",decbin($str)); $ret = ""; while(strlen($str)) { if(substr($str,0,1)=="1") { $ret.="0"; } else { $ret.="1"; } $str = substr($str,1); } return bindec($ret); } function binaryShift($str, $i) { $str = sprintf("%032s",decbin($str)); return bindec(substr($str,$i).substr($str,0,$i)); } function getDecHex($strHex) { extract($GLOBALS); // Function Converts a single decimal value(0 - 15) into it's hex equivalent // // Written By: Mark Jager // Written Date: 8/10/2000 // // Free to distribute as long as code is not modified, and header is kept intact // switch (intval($strHex)) { case 0: $function_ret="0"; break; case 1: $function_ret="1"; break; case 2: $function_ret="2"; break; case 3: $function_ret="3"; break; case 4: $function_ret="4"; break; case 5: $function_ret="5"; break; case 6: $function_ret="6"; break; case 7: $function_ret="7"; break; case 8: $function_ret="8"; break; case 9: $function_ret="9"; break; case 10: $function_ret="A"; break; case 11: $function_ret="B"; break; case 12: $function_ret="C"; break; case 13: $function_ret="D"; break; case 14: $function_ret="E"; break; case 15: $function_ret="F"; break; default: $function_ret="Z"; break; } return $function_ret; } ?>